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Talk of the Dead
UK / Austria 2016
produced by Michael Haberfelner, Luana Ribeira (as Eirian Cohen)
directed by Eddie Bammeke
starring Lynn Lowry, Paul Sutton, Alexander Fernando, Rachel Brownstein, Martina McClements, Rami Hilmi, Luana Ribeira (as Eirian Cohen), Rudy Barrow, Reis Daniel, Marcella Woods, Layla Randle-Conde, J. Robert Byam, Gaffyn Voorzta, Rosalie Bottley, Michael Haberfelner (voice)
written by Michael Haberfelner, music by Paul Henshaw, special makeup effects by Rachel Betteridge, Anne Derbyshire, cinematography by Cameron Prudames, Steven Crammond
review by Mike Haberfelner

Since news of a zombie outbreak might hurt the economy, and worse still
scare sponsors away, news anchors Hunt Foster (Alexander Fernando) and Christina Moray
(Rachel Brownstein) of the Hunt and Christina Show are in a bit of a dilemma of how to
address the subject - in easily digestible chunks between commercial
breaks of course. But it stands to reason whether inviting Victoria
Winkelhauser (Lynn Lowry),
CEO of Troxadil Inc., the company responsible for the (alleged) zombie outbreak,
cocky zombie hunter Jake Reynolds (Paul Sutton) and his pet zombie Lulu
(Martina McClements) to a discussion round was the smartest of ideas, as
in this show not only opinions clash ... An ambitious little
short shot in Yorkshire and Essex, England, UK, Talk of the Dead is
ultimately to serve as a launch pad for the even more ambitious feature There's
No Such Thing as Zombies, which this short is to be edited into in a
novel way. Now since I'm personally involved with this project as writer
and producer, I saw it only fitting to invite a guest reviewer to give her two Cent in my stead ...
Guest review by Dawn Hills:
Talk of the Dead is a very funny short that keeps you
entertained throughout. Lynn Lowry was perfectly cast has hard nosed Victoria,
her characterisation was spot on! I enjoyed all the different adverts for
the drug and they worked well to add humour to the piece. Everyone acted
brilliantly, from the small roles to the leads! Paul Sutton was very good
as the zombie keeper showing us his pet zombie! The dialogue was very
funny in places and that's credit to Michael Haberfelner's witty script!
Overall the film had flow to it. Credit must go to the makeup artists who
made the zombies look really realistic! The use of gore was not over-the-top,
too, and didn't take away from the action on screen. I think if it had
been a bloodbath it would not have worked as well. I thought the
performances from the newscasters Alexander Fernando and Christina Moray
Rachel Brownstein were brilliant and showed no matter what happens on live
TV, the show must go on! Loved the captions on screen to go with what was
happening with the newscasters! Overall everyone involved should be proud
of making a funny entertaining short! After watching this film, can you
really say "there is no such thing as zombies"???
