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site changed your life & now you want to give something back ? 
why don't you try & support this site ??? In
general, there are four ways to support my site, but however, if
you know others, just let me know
When online-shopping, always use my buying
links !

It's pretty straight-forward, everytime you find something you
might like on my site, & decide you'd like to buy it, either
use the direct buying-links I have provided to take you to one of
the shops which sell the item of your desire, or even use my
search-links to one of the shops. Every time you do so (&
actually buy something), I get a small percentage, & it won't
cost you a single cent more than if you bought it without my help.
Even if you buy something completely else from one of my
partner-shops, I earn a bit if you go there through me, actually.
Please go here to find out
who my partner stores are !
Buy me DVDs !

For all of you who are looking to send me a
present (right, as if that would happen), I have set up wishlists
at various shops containing a bunch of DVDs I would really like to
review for my website. So feel free and buy me any or all of those
Wishlist Wishlist Wishlist
if you want to send me something naughty ...
Send me free stuff !

If you for some reason have a DVD/DVDs that you
want to make accessible to me, just send it/them to me as a gift.
Of course, I honestly can't promise you anything, but if the
film(s) fit(s) at all with the parameters of this site, I will do
my best to put (a) review(s) up. & of course, like everybody, I'm
happy about a gift or two every once in a while ... so, please send stuff

Michael Haberfelner
Rotensterngasse 15a/8
A 1020 Vienna
Austria - Europe
Advertise on (re)Search my Trash !

Let me get one thing straight: Paid commercials
are (generally) always welcome, but ...
But I reserve for myself the right to refuse to
run ads when they are - in my opinion - corrupting the integrity
of my site (whatever that might mean).
Also, I have no fixed prices for paid
advertisements, but if you are still interested, contact me (
), & I'm sure we can work something out.
Thanks for watching !!!