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In Fear of - Season 2, Part 1
USA 2014
produced by Scott W. Perry, Steven-Mark Glassner, Robert L. Brodmerkel for Slick Devil Entertainment; episode Gerontophobia: Suzi Lorraine, Scott W. Perry; episode Toxiphobia: Thomas Norman, Scott W. Perry; episode Dysmorphophobia: Scott W. Perry; episode Scotomaphobia: Jeremiah Kipp; episode Agraphobia: Scott W. Perry, Bradley Creanzo; episode Dementophobia: Suzi Lorraine, Scott W. Perry
directed by episode Gerontophobia: Scott W. Perry; episode Toxiphobia Thomas Norman; episode Dysmorphophobia: Scott W. Perry; episode Scotomaphobia: Jeremiah Kipp; episode Agraphobia: Bradley Creanzo; episode Dementophobia: Scott W. Perry; episode Agoraphobia: Robert L. Brodmerkel
starring episode Gerontophobia: Suzi Lorraine, Doc Dougherty; episode Toxiphobia: Kelly Rae Gault, Pete Mizzo, Manoush; episode Dysmorphophobia: Heather Drew, Ekaterina Sknarina, Tiiu Lindemann, Jacki Garthwaite; episode Scotomaphobia: Susan Adriensen, Bryant Pearson, Bradley Creanzo, Shane Kulman, Genoveva Rossi, Edward X. Young, Fren-Z, Patrick Brancato, Missy Heather Byron, Jacki Garthwaite, Bob Socci, Derek Rafanello, Dartel McRae; episode Agraphobia: Bradley Creanzo, Genoveva Rossi, Scott W. Perry; episode Dementophobia: Rachael Robbins, Suzi Lorraine, Mark O'Neal, Michael Gingold, Scott W. Perry, Shade Rupe, Pascal Yen-Pfister; episode Agoraphobia: Anne Bobby, Frank Vlastnik, Blaine Pennington
series created and developed by Scott W. Perry; episode Gerontophobia: written by Scott W. Perry; episode Toxiphobia written by Thomas Norman, music by Mike Polizzi; episode Dysmorphophobia written by Scott W. Perry, music by Chris Alexander; episode Scotomaphobia written by Jeremiah Kipp, music by Quentin Bradley; episode Agraphobia written and music by Bradley Creanzo; episode Dementophobia written by Scott W. Perry; episode Agoraphobia written by Robert L. Brodmerkel, music by Chris Alexander
webseries In Fear of
review by Mike Haberfelner
Gerontophobia: Fear of Aging: Sean (Doc Dougherty) meets
Annagelle (Suzi Lorraine) his old flame from 30 years ago, again to
find out she hasn't aged a single day since - which is so impossible
that when she says it's all thanks to a potion from the fountain of
youth, he drinks it on the spot ... something that's doomed to
backfire ... - one of the funniest episodes of the series, and Suzi is
hilarious in that one.
- Toxiphobia: Fear of Being Poisoned: A woman (Kelly Rae
LeGault) is sure her husband (Pete Mizzo) is out to poison her, and
all his efforts to prove her wrong only make her more suspicious ...
until things get violent ... - a story centered all around Kelly Rae
LeGault, and she gives a great performance. Genre fave Manoush plays
an evil witch in this one.
- Dysmorphophobia: Fear of Deformity: A girl (Heather Drew) who
actually looks healthy and normal is so convinced she's grossly
disfigured ... that this eventually leads to her downfall - a chilling
mood piece.
- Scotomaphobia: Fear of Blindness: Emily (Susan Adriensen) was
so in love with Bobby (Bryant Pearson), but a drug fuelled party
blinded her soul and the aftermath blinded her eyes - and only with
her vision gone is she able to see things clearly ... granted, my
synopsis of this episode might come across as cheesy, but this is one
mindfuck of a story.
- Agraphobia: Fear of Sexual Harassment: Nina (Genoveva Rossi)
has Martin (Bradley Creanzo) fired on sexual harrassment charges -
which might be based on her ambitions to climb the corporate ladder
much more than on reality. But Martin feels his pride hurt, and thus
decides to retaliate ... - more straight-forward in style and
aesthetics than most other episodes, this is a loving hommage to low
budget 1980's thrillers in both style and story.
- Dementophobia: Fear of Insanity: Samantha (Rachael Robbins)
is a B-movie actress trying to keep her sanity during a press junket
for her comeback movie ... but how long can you stay sane when
everybody's just asking you about your nude scenes and your boob job?
And how long can her assistant (Suzi Lorraine) keep her under control?
... - Another of the more amusing episodes of the series, and a great
showcase for Rachael Robbins' comical talent.
- Agoraphobia: Fear of Leaving Home: Emma (Anne Bobby) hasn't
been able to leave the house for years, ever since her car crashed
with a plane and she lost her family in the process ... only how could
it have been a car, she must be insane, right? Anyways, today a man
from social service (Frank Vlastnik) pays her a visit to see if she
qualifies for certain benefits - but there's something weird about him
... - Shot in black and white, this is also probably the most Twilight
Zone-ish episode of the series, with its weird approach
and twist ending, and it's also a great character piece for Anne
In Fear of - Season 2 (or at least the first part thereof)
pretty much keeps the promise of Season
1, and maybe even more so, of being a celebration of indie horror
filmmaking in all its diversity, a diversity in both style and narrative
that's hardly ever reached by studio produced genre movies. Sure
everything has been done on a budget, but the production values are there,
the performances are top notch, and while the series is eclectic in style,
there's a distinct look and feel to every episode, and the whole thing's
well written.
Really well worth a look, and not only for genre fans!
review © by Mike Haberfelner
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