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An Interview with Charles D. Lincoln, Writer and Star of Theresa & Allison

by Mike Haberfelner

December 2018

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Your new movie Theresa & Allison - in a few words, what is it about?


Well, the short answer is that it's about what happens when a regular person finds themselves in extraordinary circumstances. Theresa (Arielle Hope [Arielle Hope interview - click here]) is our lead. Theresa's girlfriend, Mika (Kerri Sohn), breaks up with her. She has a one night stand with a mysterious woman (Pooya Mohseni) she meets and everything goes to hell from there. The mysterious woman turns out to be a vampire and before the night is over, Theresa is one too. Then she meets another vampire named Allison (Sarah Schoofs [Sarah Schoofs interview - click here]), who she falls for. Theresa finds herself torn between this new exciting world and her personal morality. Hilarity ensues. Basically, I wanted to show what would happen if your average every day human being suddenly found themselves in a situation where they have to murder someone on a regular basis to survive. Theresa's reactions to everything happening around her are as realistic as I could try to be and Allison is kinda the wild person who has lived this lifestyle for decades. It doesn't bother her. She loves it. It's who she is now. And how those two worlds kinda clash. Always bothered me in vampire fiction to see someone get turned and then, immediately be okay with feeding off a school bus full of children. I wanted to explore how a regular person would react to these circumstances. That's the short answer. Believe it or not, there's a longer answer, going into metaphor and symbolism and life, the universe, and everything, but that's the short answer.


With Theresa & Allison being a vampire movie, is that a genre at all dear to you, and some of your genre favourites?


Believe it or not, when it was first suggested to me by a friend of my late father's that I should write a "lesbian vampire film", my very first thought was "Why the fuck would I want to do that?" Vampire films, when I first wrote the script, with things like Twilight and Vampire Diaries and Underworld and such, had become really safe and stale and boring, really toned down for a tween audience. And then I remembered that I used to love vampire films and instead of looking at a genre that had lost so much of what I loved about it, I thought it might be fun to try to write a vampire movie that I'd enjoy again. Strip away all the shit I hated and make something that I would want to see. Thus, this film. As for the ones I did enjoy, I think the more modern ones I liked were stuff like Let the Right One In or Only Lovers Left Alive or Byzantium, which were the only more modern vampire films I can think of that I enjoyed, while stuff like Near Dark or Interview with the Vampire or The Hunger or Salem's Lot were stuff that I liked, from back in the day.


(Other) sources of inspiration when writing Theresa & Allison?


I'm always influenced by David Lynch. His slow, decaying Americana is something that I can really relate to, as someone with a bit of bleaker outlook on life. Also, Clive Barker was a big influence on me. There is this wonderful perversity to his stuff that I think not many writers have. So many writers are afraid of sexuality and all its different flavors and I remember reading stuff like The Great and Secret Show or seeing Hellraiser and wanting to tap into that forbidden fruit in the way he does. Takashi Miike is also a big influence. There's that sadistic weirdness that he has about his stuff and there's a touch of that in Theresa & Allison. Also a lot of 70's cinema. Tobe Hooper, Abel Ferrara, William Lustig. That grime and experimentation and despair that I saw in so many of those films. I wanted to try to combine all of those things when I wrote the script.


Do talk about Theresa & Allison's approach to vampires, and what do you think makes Theresa & Allison stand out of the crowd of vampire flicks being produced?


Our vampires are not romantics, they're not gothy ancient golden  haired wolfkillers in velvet pants and capes who can read minds and turn into mist. They're killers. They're vicious, ruthless killers. Their predator side is very strong. They're predators and humans are cattle to them. They don't sparkle, they can't turn into bats, they can't read minds. Crosses and holy water mean nothing. They show up in mirrors and they don't need an invite to enter your home. But some of the myths are true: They're stronger than us, they're faster than us, they can, theoretically, live forever, as long as they keep feeding, and they do react exceedingly poorly to sunlight. And they need to feed off us, at least, once a week, or they'll go through withdrawal and eventually descend into madness. I tried to compare their condition to drug addiction in some ways. And there's that... I wanted to show what would happen to you if you had to murder someone once a week for however many years, how, after you did it for long enough, it would stain your psyche. I don't care who you are, if you have to kill that often for that long, you'd eventually just become a sociopath, if not a psychopath.


What can you tell us about the challenges of bringing Theresa & Allison to the screen from a producer's point of view? And how hands-on or hands-off of a producer are you, actually?


Well, the biggest challenge was having absolutely no idea how I was going to do it or pay for it or any of those minor little details, but being determined that I was going to make a movie. I always believe if you want to do something, you just jump into it and figure shit out later. When you wait for everything to be perfect, you'll never get anything done. I spent a great portion of my life having people tell me I couldn't do things and then proving them wrong. I was very fortunate that I had already met director Jeremiah Kipp [Jeremiah Kipp interview - click here] through a short film I did, one I must admit to not being particularly proud of, because it came out very poorly. But the ideas I had for it, like so many of my ideas, were perverse and wrong, so Jeremiah seemed to be impressed with it and spoke to me about working together. I had just gotten the lesbian vampire idea a couple weeks before, so it seemed like the right time to do it.


I learned so much from being on his set. And I was very hands-on. I worked as AD whenever we had extras to work with, and script supervisor and so many of the deranged things in the background during the later part of the movie were me. I did casting with Jeremiah. I was all over the place. I think there was maybe only one day where I wasn't on set, and that's only because the set was ridiculously tiny and I felt I'd just be in the way. I also rehearsed every scene and choreographed a lot of the violence or the sex, to make sure everybody would be safe and comfortable by the time they got on set. But having Jeremiah and having skilled crew people like Christopher Bye as our DP and Jake Bjork as our sound guy, it made something great where we could have had a disaster if I had tried to handle it on my own. I learned more watching Jeremiah than I ever did in any of my film classes in college. As for paying for it, my girlfriend, Leanna, served as executive producer and paid for production, and then my business partner and the star of 21st Century Demon Hunter, Chelsea LeSage, served as my co-producer to help us pay for post. So, those were all big problems that were solved because I was fortunate enough to know some awesome people. It took us a few years to get it done, but I was determined it was going to get done, even if it took me ten years.


What can you tell us about Theresa & Allison's director Jeremiah Kipp [Jeremiah Kipp interview - click here], and what was your collaboration like?


He is a brilliant director. I think sometimes, he errs on the side of good taste more than I'd like, but that's because he's order and I'm chaos. I think we both acknowledge that. He's from Rhode Island or someplace small like that and I was born in Hell's Kitchen, back when NYC was Taxi Driver. I grew up with a porn director dad, who had previously played Weasel in Wes Craven's first film, and spent the first few years of my life living right near Times Square, when that used to be a place tourists were afraid to go to. Then, when I got older, I used to spend a great deal of my time in fetish clubs and sex parties and have been homeless and once got lice from a pile of coats I fell asleep on at CBGB's and have experienced real violence in my life, multiple times, and spent 12 years of my life living in a van, playing dark music and having all those type of adventures you hear about when you think of what happens on the road for a band. Alcohol and arson and groupies and losing a tooth during rough sex and all that. I feel like Jeremiah had more stable formative years. He's very organized and very thoughtful and appreciates little details. He seems to come from a very studious background. A very thoughtful background. He's a scalpel and I'm a hammer. I doubt he's been in a bar fight. In fact, if anything, I'd see him as a peacemaker in that sort of situation. He has an amazing mind and is a wonderful teacher and has a real sense of compassion and understanding about him. Yes, he did rein some of my more "out there" ideas in. Sometimes, it was frustrating; sometimes, it'd be like, "Ooooh, that is a better idea!" But I think that's the nature of collaboration. He believed in this project and I'm very thankful for that. I also would not be able to direct any of my own things if I hadn't had the learning experience that was being his producer. He was definitely the captain of the ship when he'd be on set. And he knew how to steer it through some of the rockier waters I wouldn't have known how to, at the time.


Charles in Theresa & Allison

You also play a key role in Theresa & Allison - so do talk about your character, what did you draw upon do bring him to life, and have you written Tony with your self in mind from the get-go?


Tony is based on a couple people my parents were friends with, growing up. That kinda NYC pimp/dealer/shady character that I used to see hanging around Times Square when my dad would go to Show World or who come to the apartment to sell my parents pot or whatever. I wanted to try to capture a bit of old New York and I thought a character like Tony would be a good example of that, but I had to update his look a little, since it's not like he'd be still wearing bell-bottoms and such in 2015, when the story takes place, so I figured if someone from that era had managed to stay the same age forever, he'd probably adjust his look a bit over the years. And I kinda settled on him looking like a guy who would sell ecstasy at a rave in the 90's. "How much of a douchebag can I look like?" And so, I immediately decided, he'd never wear a shirt, he'd wear a cowboy hat, because I remember those being really big among sleazier guys when I was a little kid, and his pants would have to basically painted on. He'd have to just look like a scumbag from first sight. As for playing him, I definitely wrote him with me in mind. A few years back, I used to see myself as more of an actor that wrote and I was just trying to give myself more work, when I wrote the script. It's just turned out, as the years have gone on, that I now tend to do more behind the camera stuff than in front of the camera stuff. I love acting and I totally hope that playing Tony leads to me getting more roles, but I think my ultimate niche is in the production side of things, really.


Do talk the rest of your movie's key cast, and to what extent were you involved with the casting process?


The main characters Jeremiah and I cast together and then I'd cast the supporting characters by myself, with him giving final approval. I think we have an amazing cast. Sarah Schoofs [Sarah Schoofs interview - click here] came into her audition and, within two minutes of reading her lines, pretty much got the role. She just owned the character of Allison. She was amazing, in every single sense. Amy Jo Jackson, who plays Sakkara, was another person who just blew me away with her audition. Sakkara was very different in the script and I rewrote the character to match Amy Jo's performance, I thought she was so strong. Alexandra Frantsevich as Paisley is probably my favorite character in the entire film. She's in it for so little time, but she just grabs the audience by the balls and doesn't let go. We shot a short that expands on her character's history a bit and I am anxious for people to see that and see more of her. But yeah, overall, I think we had an amazing cast. Sarah Kraus was just so dry and witty and made my dialogue sound so much better than it did in my head. Pooya Mohseni was just seductive and deadly at the same time as the vampire who turns Theresa. She's also a very important activist and I'm proud to have had her in my film. Victoria Clare was a literal last minute addition to the film, as the original Aurora Nightshade got strep throat the night before we were supposed to shoot, so we had to recast the day of shooting and Victoria just nailed it with only a couple hours of exposure to the script. Alyson Danielczuk, who played Miranda, had that Daria vibe going that I wanted for the character. The great Venezuelan actress Marisa Roman as Santa Yara had this wonderful mysterious energy about her. Alina Gerasimova as Polina had such a calm menace to her. Arielle Hope [Arielle Hope interview - click here] was a wonderful audience surrogate to all the crazy shit happening around her. Everybody was great. Except for Tony. Guy who played him sucked. Fuck that guy.


A few words about the shoot as such, and the on-set atmosphere?


Cold. It was freezing pretty much every day we shot. If it was arctic conditions in the Five Boros, you knew it was a day we were shooting Theresa & Allison.


The $64-question of course, where can Theresa & Allison be seen?


We're submitting it to 2019 festivals, as I write this.


Anything you can tell us about audience and critical reception of Theresa & Allison yet?


Very positive and that's something I'm proud of. It's not your typical vampire film or horror movie, for that matter. it doesn't rely on jump scares. It has an emphasis on dialogue and character. Pacing-wise, it's more a rollercoaster than a speeding car. And so, to see the positive things people have been saying makes me very happy. Not everyone will like it and I get that. I've seen one negative review. It is a slow burn at first, and some people can't handle that, because they need constant stimuli, they need Michael Bay shoving Megan Fox's ass in their faces while blowing up things and playing Kid Rock at full volume, while giving them constant jump scares so they know THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE SCARY PART, but I think for people who are open-minded and like their horror smart, with equal parts art and exploitation, they'll really be into it.


Any future projects you'd like to share?


I'm currently working on season 1.5 of a webseries I wrote and directed called 21st Century Demon Hunter, starring Chelsea LeSage, my co-producer on Theresa & Allison, as a demon hunter named Julie. She's from a long line of demon hunters, blah blah blah, the typical chosen one trope, but her goals in life revolve more around getting high, drunk, and laid, than fighting the forces of darkness. Season one has, I think, its first eight episodes (of thirteen) on Amazon Prime. It was shot guerrilla-style, with a point-and-shoot camera and two person crew, because we wanted to get a DIY punk vibe to it. Season 1.5 and season 2 are a totally different vibe, where we're upping the quality, big time. Things for Julie are going to be a lot bigger and a lot darker and so we felt it made sense to give it a real professional sheen this time. The first season starred Chelsea and, as our antagonist, the wonderful Madison Humes, this great actress from Kentucky, who played this Southern sorceress named Desiree. We're very proud of 21st Century Demon Hunter and I can't wait for people to see it with actual cinematography. I should note it also takes place in the same universe as Theresa & Allison, because I'm a big nerd. Some Theresa & Allison characters do pop up in small roles in season one, which takes place about a year and a half before the film.


Besides that, I have the novel of 21st Century Demon Hunter coming out in early 2019, which season 1 pretty much was written as a prequel to. I'm also writing a couple feature scripts, with the hope to be able to start shooting, at least, one of them in the summer of 2019. I want to direct my first feature next year so I'm hoping we can get the funding for one. Or all of them. I'd love to be that busy.


What got you into the filmworld in the first place, and did you receive any formal training on the subject?


My dad. Growing up, he emphasized the art of filmmaking to me. He used to get me all those of old Starlog magazines where they'd show you how they did the SFX for stuff like Deadly Spawn and Alien and The Thing. I grew up never being scared by horror films because I knew how they did all the stuff. I knew how the sausage was made. I wanted to BE Damien Thorne when I was a little kid. I still hear "Ave Satani" and I get that nostalgic feeling in my chest, you know? That said, I was more focused growing up on making music, so I did that for twelve years until I went deaf from a condition called Meniere's Disease that made me have to refocus my life. I mean, back after high school, I went to college for film at a college I won' t name, because it sucked, and it was such a negative experience, I kinda wrote off film as something I'd never do. Then a little bit after my father passed away in 2013, a friend of mine named Tibbie X, who is the bass player for Reagan Youth and the former vocalist of Gash and The X-Possibles, asked me to be a sleazy pirate in her music video. I had such a good time that it kinda rekindled my initial interest in film and I started acting from there.


As for formal training, I had it, technically, but I learned nothing. Once the other kids in my classes learned that I was good with improv, I became the talent in everybody's projects and I never learned how to do any of the behind the camera stuff. People figured out that they didn't have to do their homework if I was in their projects, because they could just tell me what it was about and who my character was, and I'd fill in all the rest, so nobody had to actually write a script. It was a lot of fun, but I didn't go to college to have fun. I went to learn, which I didn't do. The only thing I got out of college was massive debt. I learned more on the set of Theresa & Allison, in our 13 days over a year, and from watching "making of" featurettes on DVDs, than I did in the two and a half years I wasted in college. So, drop out of school, kids!


What can you tell us about your filmwork prior to Theresa & Allison?


A music video for my old band. A short film where I learned pretty much what not to do. That's the extent of my filmwork prior to Theresa & Allison. I know most people start with a ton of shorts and try to build and build, but I've always felt if I am going to do something, might as well do it big, so I wanted my first real writer/producer job to be a feature.


How would you describe yourself as a writer?


I think dialogue is my strength. My stories always start with a conversation and then I'll write the story around that scene. In the case of Theresa & Allison, it was actually the first scene with Theresa and Ms. Solenz. The concept of a vampire having to register with the city and then thinking of how did we get to this scene? What happened before it? What happens when she leaves the office? I try to start with a single scene that is either interesting or funny or powerful, and then I go from there. I try to let the stories write themselves, rather than forcing an outline or something. My original ideas for Theresa & Allison were a very different story, probably more akin to a Jess Franco film set in 1970's NYC, but the characters tell me what they're going to do, not the other way around. I think I can definitely improve. In fact, I think if you think you can't improve, you probably suck and are overrating your own stuff. I think I'm always learning how to be a better writer. I'm always looking at life around me and listening to how people talk and trying to incorporate that into my stuff. I'm also always open to changing things if I feel they'll make the story better or they'll fit an actor better. I believe the script is a breathing document. It's not stone tablets, down from a mountain transcribed by a god.


Your favourite movies?


Natural Born Killers, Return of the Living Dead. I think I've seen Natural Born Killers and Return of the Living Dead several hundred times each. There was a period of my life in high school where I definitely watched one or the other every day for a year. Ichi the Killer, Full Metal Jacket, Blue Velvet, the original Alien, the original Omen, I Saw the Devil, Re-Animator, Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. The horribly underrated Life Force. The French version of Martyrs, Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead. Paul Verhoeven stuff, especially Starship Troopers and Robocop. David Lynch. Lost Highway, Wild at Heart. The MCU stuff, because, as I stated before, I am a nerd. Some fucked up 70's stuff like Maniac, Bloodsucking Freaks (which is one of the few movies I would love to remake. I could do so much with Bloodsucking Freaks), Clockwork Orange, Caligula, The Dark Knight, the first three Hellraiser movies.


... and of course, films you really deplore?


All the Hellraiser movies after 3. Hahaha. Kevin Costner's The Postman is such a cinematic abomination that I think if more people had seen it, angry mobs would have stormed Hollywood and burned it to the ground. Battlefield Earth - I saw that for free and still felt ripped off. Dracula 3D, which felt like Argento had never actually watched a movie prior to making. Mother of Tears, while we're on Argento, which was a very disappointing end to the Three Mothers trilogy. I love Suspiria. I love Inferno, and then... that... Ugh. I don't know what happened. I loved his earlier stuff. Deep Red, Tenebre - So good. And then Mother of Tears and Dracula 3D. No idea what happened there... Also hate Showgirls - I know people like it ironically these days, but I've never believed in the concept of a movie that was so bad it was good. A bad movie is a bad movie to me. And once again, it's another case of being super disappointed in a great director because I love everything else Verhoeven did. It's a shame that movie seemed to derail his career, because I'd love to see what he could be doing now, but that movie was fucking awful.


Let's see... the original I Spit on Your Grave, which I just find distasteful and basically just a really gross rape porn movie with some castration thrown in at the end, to pretend it has a message. The remake wouldn't be one of my favorite movies, but I think it handled the subject matter so much better. Batman & Robin, Batman v Superman, most ghost stories. I'm not a ghost story guy. They all basically have the same plot. Someone sees something, no one believes them for 2/3rd of the movie, shit goes down and people believe them, but it's too late. The end. Just not my cup of tea I guess. I think the only ghost story I can say I really liked was The Innkeepers, and that was more that I loved the main character than the movie around her.


Your/your movie's website, Facebook, whatever else?


For anyone who doesn't hate me after I talked shit on their favorite movie last question, our Facebook page is, our Instagram is at @theresaandallison, our Twitter is @TheresaNAllison, and our website is, which will be relaunched on December 15th.


Anything else you're dying to mention and I have merely forgotten to ask?


Just that if people like the film, they should spread the word. These days, there's a million horror films and if you like something and want it to be successful, the best way to do that is to let people know it. The more positive word of mouth, the more we get to do things like this. And if you don't like it, keep your mouth shut. In fact, recommend it to your enemies. That'll show them. Hahahaha.


Other than that, I hope to be able to keep bringing cool stuff to people. I'd love to be hired to direct somebody else's scripts. I'd love to be able to turn 21st Century Demon Hunter into a full fledged series or to be able to move forward with some ideas I have to continue the story we started in Theresa & Allison. I'd love to do a lot more acting. On my way, way far off ideas column, I'd love to direct a Marvel film. One of the weird ones. If Kevin Feige is reading this, which I am sure he isn't, he knows he wants to give me $300 million to direct a NextWave movie before DC snap me up to direct a Section 8 film. They want that sweet sweet Dog Welder merch cash.


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But yeah, if you have funding and wanna make something fucked up, get in touch with me, because my brain is a field of very very unpleasant ideas.


Thanks for the interview!


Thank you, may you be an hour in Heaven before the Devil knows you're dead... because we all know if there's one thing the Devil would hate, it'd be paperwork... Ha. Just kidding, he would have invented it and he'd know on the dot when you died. Because the Devil, if anything, is efficiency. That's the take away from this interview. Drop out of school and the Devil is efficiency. Goodnight, kids! 


© by Mike Haberfelner

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