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Tower Rats
USA 2020
produced by Elizabeth Aguirre (executive), John P. Brennan (executive), Yakov Levi (executive), Miroslav Martelov (executive), Craig J. McIntyre (executive), Tony Newton (executive), Moses (executive), Mercedes (executive)
directed by Kevin Walter
starring Dominic Schmidt, Mercedes, Lloyd Kaufman, Doug Sakmann, John P. Brennan, Kevin Walter, Tyler Gallant, Jason Oddi, Bart Hyatt, Trent Haaga, LaDonna Allison, Bill Pacer, Adam Deyoe, Eric Gosselin, Jim Martin, Tim Patch, Helda Ghost, The Supermen, Elizabeth D'Ambrosio, Dwayne Mendez, Dylan Mars Greenberg, Matt Ellin, Vito Trigo, Josafat Concepcion, Addison Binek, Jamie Greco, Bunnula, Jeremy Madlock, Bjarni Gautur, Clearance Diamond, Adam Peltier, Elizabeth Aguirre, Bart Hyatt, Jackie Hyatt, Yakov Levi, Gunner Gaschler, Peter Litvin, Tyler Bradberry, Ed P. Rico, Nick Charles, Shannon Wallen, Shaun Jackson, Lucas Schroeder, Tony Newton, Randy Tobin
written by Einar Darri, Bjarni Gautur, Dominic Schmidt, Kevin Walter, Jason Oddi, music by Abinormals, John P. Brennan, Theophobia, T.V. Static, Noise/On/Port, The Go-Go Killers, Property, The Supermen, Tough Actin Tinactins, Unko Atama
Sgt. Kabukiman, Toxic Avenger, Dolphinman
review by Mike Haberfelner

Now I'll not even try to concoct a synopsis for this movie - as quite
simply this film doesn't have a comprehensive plot, and has never set out
to have one. Instead its a loving hommage to Troma-style
low budget filmmaking, done in a series of skits and snippets wildly
varying in technical quality, and put together in an associative rather
than narratively coherent manner, some featuring beloved Troma
characters like
Sgt. Kabukiman, Dolphinman
and the Toxic
Avenger of course, or even Troma
figureheads like Lloyd Kaufman, Trent Haaga and Doug Sakman, others just
diving into the brand of humour generally associated with Troma,
including bathroom humour and sexual disorientation - and at times even
early John Waters shines through a bit. And while some of the
jokes are admittedly driven home way too bluntly and suffer from
repitition, one can clearly feel the love that went into making this
movie, and if you're at all into this style of low budget filmmaking,
you're more than likely find plenty to enjoy about this one!

review © by Mike Haberfelner
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Robots and rats,
demons and potholes, cuddly toys and shopping mall Santas,
love and death and everything in between,
Tales to Chill Your Bones to is all of that.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to -
a collection of short stories and mini-plays ranging from the horrific to the darkly humourous,
from the post-apocalyptic to the weirdly romantic,
tales that will give you a chill and maybe a chuckle,
all thought up by the twisted mind of screenwriter and film reviewer Michael Haberfelner.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to
the new anthology by Michael Haberfelner
Out now from Amazon!!! |