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Der Kommissar - Tödlicher Irrtum
episode 23
West Germany 1970
produced by Helmut Ringelmann for Neue Münchner Fernsehproduktion/ZDF
directed by Wolfgang Becker
starring Erik Ode, Reinhard Glemnitz, Günther Schramm, Fritz Wepper, Helma Seitz, Agnes Fink, Anton Diffring, Ullrich Haupt, Kurt Ehrhardt, Konrad Georg, Thomas Astan, Dieter Kirchlechner, Tony Stahl
written by Herbert Reinecker, series created by Helmut Ringelmann, Herbert Reinecker, music by Peter Thomas, title theme by Herbert Jarczyk
TV-series Der Kommissar, Harry Klein
review by Mike Haberfelner
Available on DVD! To buy, click on link(s) below and help keep this site afloat (commissions earned) |
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Father Krüger (Dieter Kirchlechner) has just received confession from
a stranger who has admitted to a murder - but upon checking up on that
story, he learns that the victim, Maria Dönhoff (Agnes Fink) is still
alive. So inspector Keller (Erik Ode) and his team
(Reinhard Glemnitz,
Günther Schramm, Fritz Wepper) investigate, and find that instead of her
one of her employees has been murdered - which means the killer might try
again, which is why Keller and company keep a good watch on her. Now Maria
Dönhoff is a rich lady living at a nice estate where she gives abode to a
wide assortment of people, not only her son Benno (Ullrich Haupt) and her
fiancé Sauter (Anton Diffring) but also her brother-in-law and hopeless
accountant Wohle (Kurt Erhardt), and a high school friend of hers, wannabe
scientist Heider (Konrad Georg). Thing is, none of these people like her
very much, not even her fiancé, who has long found another lover and owes
Maria a lot of money, or her son, who blames her for divorcing his father
Harald (Thomas Astan). But naturally, none of them admits to the murder,
and even when Father Krüger, who's bound by an oath of silence and thus
refuses to point out the killer, pleads to whoever-it-is to give himself
up, no one steps forward. And eventually, someone does shoot at Maria,
despite police protection, and she ducks the bullets rather by mistake
than design. The shootist is caught red-handed though and turns out to be
Sauter - only his very cold nature doesn't fit with a man who confesses a
murder to a priest. So Keller has some of his men wait with Father Krüger
to see if the killer shows up again for confession - and he does, and it
turns out to be Maria's ex Harald Dönhoff. Frankly, several
plotpoints in this episode are just too far-fetched to remain believable,
starting with how can a man murder someone without noticing it's not his
ex-wife? Also the idea with the confession to the priest has
over-constructed written all over it. And why would someone who's not a
career criminal, attempt to murder someone else while the house is
swarming with police? Finally, why would the killer return to the priest
after having confessed everything anyways, and how did Keller know he
would? That all said, Der Kommissar was always a series
known for over-constructed and not especially believable murder cases,
often more carried by their eccentric characters than any shred of
realism, and of course garnered by Herbert Reinecker's trademark stilted
dialogue. And very often this leads to weirdly entertaining results -
entertaining perhaps not in the intended way but entertaining still.
However this episode is average at best and fails to really click. It's
still worth some chuckles for sure, but nothing more than that.
