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Bolivia 2016
produced by Amy Hesketh, Jac Avila for Pachamama Films, Decadent Cinema
directed by Jac Avila
starring Amy Hesketh, Mila Joya, Beatriz Rivera, Jac Avila, Cortney Willis, Gina Alcon, Eric Calancha, Rhobess Pierre, Erix Antoine, Alejandro Loayza, Rodrigo León, Roberto Lopez, Gonzalo Konka, Fermin Nuñez, Ruzandra Calin, Ely Narvaes, Scarlet Bolivar, Jenny Sanjinés
screenplay by Jac Avila, based on the novel by Marquis De Sade, music by Kevin J. Hatton, production design and art direction my Amy Hesketh
review by Mike Haberfelner

Poor Justine (Amy Hesketh) never had it easy in life, her parents died
at an early age, and the nuns who were to bring up her and her sister
Juliette (Cortney Willis) just kicked them out but kept their dowry. And
while Juliette chose the way of vice and thrived, Justine insisted on
sticking to her virtuous path, which would be her extended downfall.
Justine's only fault, really, was that she wanted to remain a girl pure at
heart throughout her life, but the company she chose (or rather that chose
her) was of a less honourable conviction ... which after many an
unfortunate adventure featuring violence, torture and rape, ended Justine
up at the slave market, where she was bought by one nobleman, Rodin (Jac
Avila), who at first seemed to care about her a great deal, being
hell-bent on healing all her scars from previous adventures together with
his daughter Rosalie (Mila Joya) and his lover Omphale (Beatriz Rivera),
to then throw her into his own personal hell, his torture dungeon, where
he repeatedly tortured all three woman beyond breaking point, just for his
amusement, besides of course also raping them whenever he fancies to.
What's worse, he also forces the girls to whip one another to also break
their spirits. The one who's worst off though is his own daughter Rosalie,
as he has long decided to eventually torture her to death, having deemed
this her only true purpose in life. Justine knows her fate won't be much
better, so she makes a desperate attempt to escape - but of course, Rodin
isn't silly enough to just let her go ... Those who have
followed the terrible duo of Jac Avila and Amy Hesketh through the years
will probably readily agree that it was only a question of time until
they'd try their hands on Marquis De Sade's Justine - and
now that they do, they certainly don't disappoint, as they deliver a wild
and violent, perverted and also grossly erotic film ... that though falls
short of being just a sleazefest for the torture porn crowd, thanks to a
very elegant directorial effort, an original narrative approach, and even
some black humour. Now "elegant directorial effort" does not
mean Jac Avila hides anything from the audience, as he's known for the
exact opposite and doesn't disappoint in that respect - but his pictures
of torture are well-composed tableaux rather than purely functional
pictures, which is also mirrored in the film's art direction. As for
narrative approach, Justine and Juliette break down the fourth wall more
than once to comment on things happening on screen or push the story
forward, which works to great dramatic effect. And regarding black humour,
the probably funniest scene is perhaps Rodin sitting down in his tableau
of torture with an out-of-age bottle of beer as if watching a TV show
after work, being slightly bemused by the naked women being strapped to
all kinds of torture devices. And now you add to that a strong cast, and
you've got a film ... that's certainly not easy for everybody to stomach,
but if you can open your mind to what's going on on screen you'll
certainly be rewarded!
If this has gotten you at all interested, you might want to
get the movie from here, too: https://movies.vermeerworks.com/
