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Dare (John Wayne) and Dink (Syd Saylor) are two carefree drifters, with
Dare believing himself to be the best cardplayer West of Mississippi, but
now they have run out of money and have to pay Dare's cousin Tom (Johnny
Mack Brown), a rich banker and cattleowner, a visit to ask him for some
money. When Tom instead tries to talk some sense into them and offer them
a job, Dare bluntly refuses ... until he meets Tom's sweetheart Judy
(Marsha Hunt) and immediately falls for her. And since she appears to be
quite responsive to his advances, he and Dink decide to take the jobs as
cattlemen after all - and before you know it, they have become cooks at
Tom's outfit.
But then one day, and thanks only to Judy, they get promoted and are
made responsible for driving the cattle into the next bigger town and send
it. But - as in any good Western - where there's a herd of catle, there's
always rustlers, and their boss Hammond (Monte Blue) immediately tries to
buy Dare and Dink, but no luck, the two of them have decided to go
straight ... so Hammond instead buys Tom's former foreman Hardy (John
Patterson) to help him and his men lay an ambush. But it seems Dare is one
step ahead of Hammond and his men and he spoils their ambush but good. In
fact, Dare ultimately sells the cattle just like he was supposed to with
not one piece missing.
Till though Hammond has not run out of tricks, and since he knows that
Dare believes himself to be a great cardplayer, he hires a cardshark of
his own, Bradley (James Craig), and the two of them cheat Dare out of all
the money he made from the cattle in a game of set-up poker.
Meanwhile, Judy has persuaded Tom to go look what became of Dare, and
ultimately he just arrives when Dare is about to lose his (Tom's) last
money - at which point Tom takes over and catches Bradley cheating ...
It all culminates in a chase and a shoot-out during which Tom is
seriously wounded but Dare saves his life. The ending though sees Dare and
Dink wanting to drift onwards when Judy holds them back and Tom even
promises to make Dare a partner in his company.
Beautifully filmed B-Western, containing many wonderful shots of
cattledrives - though at least some of them were allegedly lifted from
other films -, but concerning plot, the film is a bit on the cheesy side
and at times suffers from a lack of action.