At first sight, Brianna (Lucy Diamante) is anything but a good match
for Lia (Gaia Brooks) and Milo (Maximilian Seed) as their new roommate.
Basically, while Brianna's somewhat over the top, from her weird habits to
her cheap but sexy outfits, Lia and Milo, though both artistically
inclined, are a pretty square couple. Then though Milo has to go out of
town on some family business and Lia gets to know Brianna a little better
- well enough to learn that Brianna works as a courier (and occasional sex
slave) for Cashmeer (Konstantinos Angel), who has convinced her he's the
only one who can get her a green card. This arrangement disgusts Lia a
little, especially when she goes out with Brianna a few days and learns
what a fun-loving and positive person she actually is. And before the
knows it, Lia falls for Brianna, and vice versa, and they soon start
having sex. Plus Lia promises to marry Brianna, (not only) to help her
with her green card. So everything goes perfect between the two - until
Milo comes back. And suddenly Lia finds herself in a tight spot, as while
she's in love with Brianna, she still has feelings for Milo and doesn't
want to hurt him. So she postpones their break-up more and more, even has
sex with him - much to Brianna's dismay, naturally. It eventually gets to
the point where Brianna loses her cool and leaves - and chooses going back
to Cashmeer over having to deal with Lia's lack of resolve. However, the
girls do reconcile - but then Brianna disappears, only for her dead body
showing definite traces of violence being found in the desert a week
later. This is a major blow for Lia, but what's worse is that both her and
Milo are treated as suspects in Brianna's murder ... Love
Kills sure is directed with style, but not in a way that it smothers
the story or acting, and the key performances are spot-on for sure - but
what really makes the movie is that thanks to clever writing it manages to
keep the viewer in the dark in respect to its narrative direction
throughout, so in parts this is a crime drama, an awkward romance and
erotic thriller, with the finale veering towards psycho horror. And what
makes this movie not completely fall apart in the process is that all the
central characters are well fleshed out with their motivations palpable on
screen - helping to make this a pretty cool cinematic ride.