A great party leads to a nasty car accident, as Preston (Dean
Kirkright), the designated driver, had a few too many. Six months later,
everything seems to be back to normal again - except for Jared (Damien E.
Lipp), whose brain was damaged in the accident. Ironically, he was the
only one who doubted Preston's ability to drive, even offered to drive in
his stead ... but all to no avail, and now he has lost the ability to
read, whole chunks of his past seem to have been gone from his memory, he
constantly bumps into things, and his counsellor Gavin (Aston Elliot) is
an asshole, but what's worse, he's dating his Jared's mum (Katrina Gow).
Only Jared's girlfriend Shelby (Susie Kazda) - instantly Preston's sister
- seems to stick to him unconditionally, quite despite his growing
drinking problem and outbursts of rage ... but there's something off about
Shelby. What Jared has really come to love of late is to watch B horror
movies, the cheesier the better - but then these movies start to change,
start to include scenes involving people from Jared's life being brutally
murdered by a masked madman ... but whenever these scenes appear in the
films he knows he's either alone or Shelby has fallen asleep. Not the
thing is of course, the people murdered in Jared's "visions"
turn up dead a short time later. Now true, many of those killed are not
exactly people Jared likes (including Gavin), but Jared is essentially a
decent guy who cares nevertheless, who even tries to save the lives of his
"enemies" - to no avail, for one nobody believes his visions,
and apart from that, the killer seems to be quite determined - which is
all the more worrying because in one video the killer promises to kill
Jared next. When the killer zeroes in on Jared though, Jared puts up one
hell of a fight ... and suddenly finds himself threatening Shelby with an
ax. He doesn't hurt her at all, but it puts a right fright into him. And
then the killer announces to kill Preston, the accident-driver but also
Jared's best friend and Shelby's brother, next - and now Jared and Shelby
rush to his rescue ... In writing, Killervision might
read like a rather typical slasher movie, and even some of the key
"surprises", including the resolution of the film, are a bit too
easy to guess early on to spell originality in big letters - but with Killervision
it's not the surprises and the end result that are the point but the
journey to get there, and that's the film's strength, as it tells its a
bit run-of-the-mill story in an original way, and populates it with
unusual characters, who are actually embodied by a pretty competent
ensemble cast. That and a subtle directorial effort sees to it that the
film is something more than just teens being butchered. A pretty good
movie, actually.