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USA 2025
produced by Max Neace, Sally Northrop, Kerry Frances, Will O'Connor, Michelle Andres (executive), Boris Gluz (executive), Hesham Hammouda (executive), Solomon Katz (executive), Anthony Sanford (executive) for Earthling Pictures
directed by Hussein Hammouda
starring Forest Quaglia, Will O'Connor, Jaime Schwarz, Alex Dunn, Devin McCall, Chhoyang Cheshatsang, Kell Porter, Lee Pallotta, Camille Shaffer, Tristan Miller, Sara Cuozzo-Gonzalez, Matt Toole, Patrick Dodge, John Oquendo, Rosario Corso, Lisa Pder, Courtney Disonnette, Katherine Elizabeth, Kerry Frances (voice), Hussein Hammouda, Sally Northrop, Josh Jones, Patrick Conaway, Max Neace, Danny Dragin, Kimberley Fogelgren
written by Hussein Hammouda, music by Chris Caselden, Hussein Hammouda
review by Mike Haberfelner
Available on DVD! To buy, click on link(s) below and help keep this site afloat (commissions earned) |
Always make sure of DVD-compatibility!!!
This is the story of homeless Ryan (Forest Quaglia) who's no longer too
proud to beg for money and still tries to keep his ingegrity, and also of
Mia (Jaime Schwarz) a girl on a cross-country trip trying to finance it by
doing some Uber-driving on the site, and of desperate Joshua (Alex Dunn),
who tries to get money out of his stepmother (Devin McCall), of Henry
(Tristan Miller), who tries to make it into the film industry, and his
girlfriend Christina (Sara Cuozzo-Gonzalez), who ultimately steps through
a dimension portal developed by Henry's housemate David (Rosario Corso),
mainly just to get away from Henry. But is she in another dimension, or is
this just the continuation (or launch point) of all these stories, which
are somehow also one story?
If above synopsis sounds a little spotty, episodic and
ultimately confusing, this is because the film is a little bit like that -
and intentionally so, just like many a Richard Linklater movie, starting
with Slackers, this film doesn't seem to have a clear structure but
shifts narrative focus every few minutes, and still somehow manages to tie
all stories together to a (relatively) homogenous home. now this might
sound confusing, but works rather nicely as all the vignettes, told in a
slice-of-life way, are all very relatable and brought to life by a solid
cast playing colourful characters in entertaining situations - and the
result is a very enjoyable approximately 70 minutes piece of cinema.

review © by Mike Haberfelner
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Robots and rats,
demons and potholes, cuddly toys and shopping mall Santas,
love and death and everything in between,
Tales to Chill Your Bones to is all of that.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to -
a collection of short stories and mini-plays ranging from the horrific to the darkly humourous,
from the post-apocalyptic to the weirdly romantic,
tales that will give you a chill and maybe a chuckle,
all thought up by the twisted mind of screenwriter and film reviewer Michael Haberfelner.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to
the new anthology by Michael Haberfelner
Out now from Amazon!!! |