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La Mesita del Comedor
The Coffee Table
Spain 2022
produced by Norbert Llaràs, Diego Rodriguez, Maria José Serra for Alhena Production, La Charito Films, Apocalipsis Producciones
directed by Caye Casas
starring David Pareja, Estefanía de los Santos, Josep Maria Riera, Claudia Riera, Gala Flores, Eduardo Antuña, Cristina Dilla, Itziar Castro, Aitana Garcia, Paco Benjumea, Clàudia Font, Pere Vall, Damià Gustagueras Petit, Emilio Gavira (voice)
written by Caye Casas, Cristina Borobia, music by Bambikina
review by Mike Haberfelner
Available on DVD! To buy, click on link(s) below and help keep this site afloat (commissions earned) |
Always make sure of DVD-compatibility!!!
It all starts with young parents Jesús (David Pareja) and María
(Estefanía de los Santos) fighting over whether or not to get a(n
actually pretty ugly) coffee table with an, according to the
salesman (Eduardo Antuńa) unbreakable table top. Ultimately,
Jesús gets his will and gets the table after claiming María got her will
with everything else, including naming their son Cayetano. Once home
though and trying to put the table together, Jesús notices a screw is
missing, and thus he leaves the table top leaning against the table's
structure. As Jesús's brother Carlos (Josep Maria Riera) and his new
girlfriend Cristina (Claudia Riera) are to come by this evening, María
has to leave to do some shopping, and while Jesús tries to get the baby
to sleep, he stumbles, falls right into the "unbreakable" table
top, which immediately breaks, and he cuts his finger while the baby's
head is sliced right off. Of course, Jesús is properly shocked, but when
María calls from the shop, he's unable to tell her, instead he removes
all the traces of what has happened, tries to wash off even the blood
stains (with moderate success), changes the diapers of the headless baby
and puts him to bed - and when María returns he claims the baby has just
gone to sleep and needs some quiet - still trying to find a way out of the
situation. And María sure has a good laugh when he tells her the
unbreakable table top has broken, much to his distress. And the distress
only multiply when Carlos and Cristina arrive and reveal that Cristina is
pregnant. But things come to a head when 13 year old neighbour's daughter
Ruth (Gala Flores) arrives, making baseless claims she and Jesús are
having an affair. Problem is, she has a dog, and the baby's head is still
somewhere in the living room ...
Ok, this is not a film for everyone, this film is a
comedy as dark as they come, and one needs to have a coal black sense of
humour to properly enjoy The Coffee Table - in other words, I liked
it very much, as despite its very bleak premise, it's built up very
beautifully, goes from one unexpected and macabre punchline to the next
while deriving its tension from really just waiting what will it be that
will break Jesús while things are mounting. And a directorial effort that
doesn't go for the gruesomeness but the delicacy of the situation, as well
as a first rate cast carry the film rather beautifully, making this one of
the most disturbing and nevertheless enjoyable comedies in years.
